1420 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 | 734-761-7435|Clerk: Laura Lein, clerks@annarborfriends.org
Property Committee2023-04-30T20:01:43-04:00


The Property Committee is responsible for the care of the buildings and grounds at Ann Arbor Friends Center. It works closely with the Furnishings Committee, the Quaker House Committee, the Environment and Social Concerns Committee, the residential community, and the Meeting Worker.

Tasks of the Committee include the following: carrying out regular seasonal maintenance and minor repairs, construction, and painting/staining, or finding volunteers to do so; organizing and participating in work parties; landscaping and trimming the grass and shrubbery; keeping the parking lots free of excessive snow; maintaining tools and supplies; communicating with the Meeting about maintenance, repairs, and building projects; seeking bids for major jobs and informing the Meeting, so as to allow members to make suggestions or volunteer for specific jobs; approving contractors or volunteers, and evaluating written estimates and contracts as necessary; approving completed work and initiating payment; keeping a log of major projects and the names of contractors or members who undertook them; and developing long-range plans to ensure that the facilities meet the needs of the Meeting.

The Committee also seeks ways to facilitate access and participation for the physically disabled, and promotes fire safety through installing and maintaining items ranging from smoke alarms to fire escapes, and encouraging safe practices. The Committee recommends Maintenance and Major Maintenance budgets to the Finance Committee; it can approve expenses from the Maintenance budget, but expenses from Major Maintenance and any expense exceeding $1000 (at this writing) must be approved by the Meeting.